light explorations
A new series using flash photography to architecture light in a new way, disrupting the greyness of the sky and giving birth to unapologetic images with a surrealist twist to them.
love song
A love song to my hometown London and its organised chaos, filled with everyday human stories, a city with endless potential for those like me who believe in serendipity.
a strangeness in my mind
The city that used to be mine has become unfamiliar and strange. You've left to a place where my thoughts cannot travel to; once alive, the city has fallen silent. I fear being with you. I fear being alone.
the lightness of being
A clash of colours, red lips in the shadow. Lost in your mind, you walk past the familiar buildings, your dreams floating above like a balloon in the sky. You don’t notice me, or anything else for that matter, as your heart murmurs to you the loneliest of songs.
tokyo musings
Captivating Tokyo, never sleeping, restless and beautiful, mysterious and sensual, forever alive. And my heart stops, as I found my muse.
american fairytales
I can see light in your darkness. I can see smiles in your sadness. I can imagine a million of lives for you, as life is a never-ending fairytale.
neon cities
Under the neon lights, your face tells a thousand stories. Stories of strength, stories of hurt. Stories of loneliness, stories of playfulness. You can be anyone you’d like, as your steps echo the silence, and the silence, the night.